Sunday, September 28, 2008

Did I really hear that?

Okay, so last night I was walking into a store and overheard a conversation...

She said, "...they FOUND him MISSING."

Does anyone else wonder about that saying? If they "found" him then he isn't "missing". If he is "missing", then they haven't "found" him... at least that's my way of thinking!

I have also heard, "he turned up missing". That one also confuses me.

But, I am blond over 50....


Anonymous said...

The trouble here is that you are expecting people to speak intelligently. Silly you. LOL.

Julie said...

I had never really thought about it but you are right, those sentences make no sense at all. Very funny.

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind words of encouragement. They mean more to me than you will ever know.j

God Bless,

mandy said...


Kim said...

I guess because I read a lot, incorrect word usage bothers me. Words like "irregardless" and "inbetween" need to "turn up missing" from our language. Dontcha think?