Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday ...

Yes, that's my title... for lack of anything else creative...

I'm working hard on my studies and am almost through with the course I'm taking now. I can hardly wait. I find all sorts of fun facts and things that amaze me.

Here is an example an interesting case study I came across...

A man - past middle age - complained of pain in his left side... about where the sciatic nerve hit. He had already been diagnosed with a herniated disc and was facing surgery...

He went to another doctor who examined him and found that the man had soreness and tenderness in the area of his left back pocket and he had the worst pain when he was driving. The wise doctor asked to see his billfold... yeah, it was almost 2 inches thick... so, instead of back surgery for a herniated disc the doctor did a "walletectomy" (removal of the wallet from the back pocket). This completely cured the problem...

Note: this almost always is exclusively a male disorder.


Anonymous said...

Common sense is often overlooked in our day of clinical tests and liability insurance. I'm cheering for you in your studies.

Anonymous said...

I work for a chiropractor and he tells all his male patients not to carry their wallets in their back pockets. It totally throws off the alignment. Enjoy your classes!

larkswing said...

Oh how great! That is a whew, wipe your brow moment for the patient!

I once worked with a girl that went to the doctor for lower back pain, thought it might be kidney related - it was belt related - she was wearing her belts too tight. :)

Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

There was one time my husband thought he had cancer in his elbow (anything suspicious is probably cancer!) Turned out it was because he was riding his long commute to work with his elbow in the same position on the door handle.

Go figure.