Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Day Celebrations...

The Christmas prayer and blessing by the oldest - patriarch. Always a Christmas tradition before we open our presents. Keeping "Christ" in Christmas...

The other grandparents loving the special grandson... The handing out of the gifts and WAITING to open them...
Fun and gag gifts are always part of the exchange...
Sisters sharing their gifts with each other...
A new car...

uh oh car!
Final stages of breakfast preparation
More car time-taking everything possible for a ride...
First Christmas as husband and wife ....
Fun new toys ....and sharing and playing togetherChristmas outfit and yummy new books..
This says it all!
A great and wonderful Christmas with family and loved ones (and of course delicious food!)
We pray that you were blessed this year with love and joy and may the New Year bring blessings that abound exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ever ask or think!


2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Oh, I'm so glad you had this wonderful time with your family. I can't wait to have babies around the house again someday!

Lindsay said...

That looks like so mcuh fun!Love the ones of Kendall and Noah together..and it looks like Rebekah was serving quite a feast..I want some of that fruit platter!Happy New year!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Popping in on the 1st to say, "Happy New Year!" You are a great blessing to me. Can't wait to see how your year unfolds.