Sunday, December 14, 2008

How Can this BE????

Today we had the craziest weather!!!
Living in South Georgia, we were used to the weather changing a lot, but this has been the wildest weather day EVER!
Today was gorgeous! Blue sky... a few clouds... nice soft breeze ... 75 degrees... sun shining... it could not have been nicer!
Then... about 3:30, the wind started blowing and by 4 it was 55 degrees! By 5 it was 45 degrees and by 6 it was 32 degrees... it was suddenly 20 degrees and sleeting/snowing!!!!!
The temperature dropped 55 degrees less than 5 hours!!!!

We left the house going to Christmas Train to enjoy some good times with our sons and their families.... Fortunately, I dressed in layers, but not enough! The wind was icy cold and cut right through everything I had on...

We did have a great time and really enjoyed ourselves and family and the entire experience. I'd do it again (just wear more clothes!)

By the time we got home, the streets and highways were covered in snow and they were salting them...

I'll post snow pictures tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Now that's extreme! I thought N. Florida got the prize for changeable weather but I can't beat this one. Fair and warm to snow and ice!. Brrrrr.

The LaBouffs said...

Yeah...over a 50 degree drop in temp. CRAZY!

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas...

larkswing said...

Oh wow! As I watched the weather report this morning and there is Ice two states over and we are talking 80 degree days and then I see you have a 50 deg. spread in 5 hours! Holy Toledo! That is drastic!

Stay warm!