Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I'm so excited! Today, I stepped out and broke the ice (yes, it was that cold out there), and went shopping!

My first stop was at ToysRus. I almost didn't make it after that fiasco. Yeah, it was like a zoo. There was no one who knew where anything was and everything was overpriced. I left quickly. You might say that I escaped. I RAN away from that store vowing never to return! I remembered why the last time I went to one (over 10 years ago) I said I'd never go again. I repented of my lack of judgment!

Next, I went to Sam's ... had a great time there and then met the girls for lunch. Ran into Mardell's for a quick purchase and came out loaded about 2 hours later! LOVE that store! I could have spent days and millions in there!

I got home and unloaded and then headed to Walmart... spent another 2 hours...

Meanwhile... when I returned home, Hugsum was there and very busy. We were blessed. We received something that I have always wanted, but never had access to receiving. Some wonderful people gave us half a cow. Yeah... really... a cow! He normally feeds them for 90 days, but the butcher couldn't take care of him so our cow was blessed to be well fed for 120 days! I've never had "home grown" beef before. I'm excited to have my own.

Fortunately we have a big freezer in our laundry room. I now know that it will hold over 350 pounds of meat! Yep... that's what a half a cow weighs when it is butchered. I don't know what it weighed before.

What a blessing! I feel so blessed by my day today. I got lots done.

My goal today was to "joyfully accomplish". That is my new mindset. It fits the Christmas season, don't you think?

I pray that you are blessed today as well... and that you are able to "joyfully accomplish" what you need to get done.



The LaBouffs said...

Glad it was so productive! I just LOVE a productive day:)

Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

Wow, I haven't been on blogger in a LONG time! It's great to hear your cheerful writing voice again! :-)

ToysRus...I agree. Heartily.

And "joyful accomplish" -- mind if I use that too? That's great!

Hope you're having a Merry Christmas!