Monday, October 12, 2009


So, the Comfortis pill WORKED!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH, PRAISE THE LORD AND GLORY!!!!!

Yeah, we are happy. Andy has not had a flea on him in a week.... YIPPEEEEE!!!!!

We are happy campers. Now, I just need to keep the house and furniture vacuumed good and we won't have any more flea problems.


Thought I'd let you know!


larkswing said...

The vet told me about that pill when Francie tore her ACL. In the three years we have had her - not the first flea. This year, they are everywhere. The vet said they seem to be bionic fleas this year, the tried and true was just not working.

Heidi said...

"Tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be flea-free..." (a twist on a song I know from the olden days- do you know that one?)

Susan said...

Dealing with those critters can be just plain old annoying. Glad the pill worked. It's amazing that they have these available now. I remember dealing with them in many old fashioned ways when I was younger. Ugh!
