Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tuesday - Trash Day

I began to realize that I have more trash than is readily gathered up... it isn't so obvious.

I need to get the trash out of my life - things like negative thinking.
things like bad habits
bad eating
being busy and not fruitful...

so, I'm doing some digging and gathering and throwing out. There are so many things that zap my time and energy that are unproductive . They may be "fun" or "enjoyable" but they prevent me from accomplishing what I need to - like eating empty calories. All those calories do bring me lots of yummy goodness - but in reality they are normally doing my body harm. They do things like make me fat or sluggish and even in a bad mood.

SOOOOO, what am I going to do? Be intentional and not just automatic. In other words, I plan to pay attention to what I'm doing, saying, eating. I know it will make a huge difference once I get the trash out of my life. Just think how much better the house feels when all the trash is taken out... My life will also feel free and better...

Aren't you excited? Wanna join me?


larkswing said...

I am with you!

Happy Day!

The LaBouffs said...

i read on a billboard the other day, "don't count the days. make the days count." so, that's what i'm going to do. no more lolly-gagging...

Anonymous said...

I'm with you. Thanks for the reminder about the Evening Primrose Oil. I have taken it before but left it off at some point.

I just finished listening to a tele-seminar called "Smart Women, Smart Choices". Very good!