Friday, January 23, 2009

Bible Study

God's goodness to me is wonderful. I had been struggled with leading a Bible study at this time in my life. I was overwhelmed and stressed out just thinking about it. I mean, I literally panicked when I thought about it.
I was so torn because I love to teach Bible studies. I get so much out of it and I have missed the communion and time in the Word and time with special people as we study together and grow.
At the same time, right now I am stretched and in the middle of a few other things. The accuser beat me up telling me that I was disobedient, and hard hearted and had thrown away my faith and calling - among many other things he lied to me about... oh the guilt and condemnation was horrible!!!!
I prayed and asked for prayer... I finally go peace that it was "okay" for me not to teach at this time.
From my blog about it, I got so many great ideas and much encouragement.
Hugsum is leading it. He got the series from Mayberry and is excited about it.
Later I'll lead one... (that's not procrastination, it's permission)
What a relief, what a load off, what a joy and pleasure to be free and not feel guilty.
God is good to me!

1 comment:

larkswing said...

So glad you are no longer struggling with the decision!
