Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lunch Memories

I was reading Linda over at 2nd Cup of Coffee and she was talking about the fun school lunches.

It brought back a flood of memories, which I won't go into... except for one.

My mother fixed my lunch every day when I was in high school. I was a "picky" eater (so I was told) and did not like anything they fixed at school. So, mama in her wisdom, decided not to waste any more lunch money and to just fix me a lunch.

She would sometimes come through with a good surprise... but, mostly I just gave my lunch to my friends. Especially one, who NEVER bought her lunch, or brought anything. (It wasn't that she couldn't afford it, she was quite wealthy - just "cheap".) Well, Sally (for lack of remembering her real name) made a point of sitting next to me everyday and drooling over my lunch. She would just take whatever she wanted - even if it was something that I really wanted. She didn't bother to ask and just assumed that it was "hers". Until one day...

About the time that I was getting really fed up with it something happened. You see, I'm not real aggressive and had a tendency to be run over by pushy people.

My brother had taken someone to the Atlanta airport. While there he wandered through one of the shops and picked up some special candy.

So, I sneaked a couple of pieces and put them in my lunch box. I could hardly wait for lunch that day. I just acted normal and pretended to eat and "hide" the special candy. But eagle eye Sally immediately dove for them. I tried to talk her out of eating them... I told her that she really won't like them... but, she latched on and began to eat them.

I let her. Yes, I did. I can't even say that I am ashamed of myself. I even really enjoyed it. I made a point to let her eat all the candy and then asked her if they were good. She said they were "okay"... a little crunchy...

I also made sure that everyone around was watching and listening... She asked what kind of candy it was. I calmly said, oh, chocolate covered ants and bees and grasshoppers....

It was a priceless glorious moment in time!

Sally got up and RAN to the bathroom and threw up.

She was still my friend, but she never ate my lunch again.

Thankfully, I have grown and matured and would not do that to my friends again. I'm so thankful for God's goodness and mercy toward me and growth...


The LaBouffs said...

mmm-hmmmm...I would've done the same thing!

larkswing said...

hahahaha! Love it! I am sorry to say, I don't believe I am mature enough to not do that at my age now!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Well, between your comment at my spot today and now this kind of terrorizing, I have to say that you are a wild woman! This was GREAT!