This is a picture of what motivates Andy... CAT food! Yeah, the dog LOVES cat food. He doesn't care that cats eat this stuff. It does not effect his "doghood"... he is very confident in his dogness.
I have learned to use this addiction to my advantage to train me... I mean him...
I first hung a bell by the door so that it hit about nose level for him, and got a handful of the bait, ummm cat food. I taught him to ring the bell ... and that when the bell rings, the door opens and he can go out and go potty - or chase the birds and squirrels from the yard. Whatever, he is a happy dog.
Here are the bells. I use white yarn to hang them with so they are not so obvious to visitors and they don't stand out as ugly... I have been known to use multicolored yarn that clashed. I also learned to make sure that I have a large enough bell, or enough bells so that I can HEAR them wherever I am in the house. (at one house we had bells on 3 different doors that all lead to the back yard and were in different parts of the house. He learned to come to the door closest to where I was to get my attention.)
The sequence is... the goes to the door and looks out, rings the bell, looks for me, rings the bell and waits... knowing that I'm coming to open the door and let him out.
Great idea! You know dogs are not elitists like cats :-). Our cats would be horrified if we even looked like giving them dog food. But dogs......they are just wonderful.
Love it! that is so cute. Hmmm, maybe I should try cat food to train our silly pooch!
Thank you so much for coming by and for praying for me! I do so appreciate it!
Have a great day!
What a wonderful idea! I may try it when I am no longer doing home daycare. Right now, my little one's would just ring the bells all day. LOL
I used to have a Lhasa Apso for a while, and he would scratch the door, which was not good on the door itself. This is a great idea, and Andy is the Cuteness!
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