Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Catch up

I have lots of pictures, lots of things on my mind and just lots to catch up with ,,,

We are back home. We got in late yesterday afternoon. It was wonderful to drive into the driveway and be welcomed back.

I'm still unpacking and still doing laundry and still unwinding.

We are on the way to church - as a regular person, not "pastor/pastor's wife". It will be nice to be fed and bask for a bit. We are hungry.

I'll post more with pictures. We had an incredible week! God's grace is sufficient. God's mercy is endless. God's blessings are overwhelming!



Being behind on so much I am just finding out about Steve's Mom. I am sorry for the loss. No matter how much one prepares and knows their loved one knows Jesus loosing a parent is difficult. Blessings of His strengthening Joy.

Susan said...

Hey Merrie! Glad you all got home. I love your new look...guess it's been a bit since I've been around.

I can so remember those "getting fed" days and just how beautiful it was for me to sit in church with my DH.

I'm praying you have a fantastic week!

:-) Susan