Sunday, February 17, 2008


So, after my bold proclamation of what I'm "giving up" for Lent - I have failed miserably. I said that I already live a sort of fasted lifestyle as far as how I eat - so, I couldn't think of anything that I needed/should "give up" for Lent. Then I realized that I can give up negativity.

Well, not only did I begin being extremely negative, I ate and ate and ATE all the things I know NOT to eat - so I really did blow it! Thankfully, Lent is not over and God's mercies are new every morning and I can begin again, again...

I was reading Maggie's post on piercings and then I read my devotional this morning and it was about the "fellowship of sufferings". I realized that this is serious business!

We have so often taken lightly our gift of salvation, healing, deliverance and restoration to our Father. We also take lightly - or maybe we DON'T take - the responsibility for sharing our faith and the gospel with others.

He was bruised for our transgressions, yet we keep sinning...
He was beaten for our healing, yet we continue to be sick ...
He died for our reconciliation to the God and Father of love, yet we refuse to walk with Him and fellowship with Him...
He defeated the devil in his camp, and took the keys away from him - so that WE can walk in freedom and deliverance, yet we continue to walk in bondage...

What fellowship do we have with darkness? How can we continue to do what we know NOT to do and don't do what we know to do?

I know this is a little heavy this morning. I am just being convicted of my short comings and desire to do better and to be better.

I want to be a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving - that I may fellowship in love and joy and peace. I want to encourage us to be all that we are - to receive all that has been given to us and to walk in our postition of fellowshiping with the God of the Ages and in heavenly places...

(please forgive all the misspelled words - the spell check still isn't working and spelling is a weakness I have not overcome YET!)

Blessings as we fellowship with each other in truth and love!


Beverlydru said...

I am stopping by on my way to write about the message that has pierced my heart this weekend. And I am passing the Word... You are chosen. You are precious. You are annointed.


Today the "WORD" for me has been Thanksgiving. You are right on target. The only way we can give up negativity is to have an attitude of gratitude........I struggle to keep it.......

Julie said...

I remember when God took me to that verse. I read over it thinking...."Yea, I want the power of His resurrection"......and then I came to the end of the verse. Do I really want to enter into the fellowship of His suffering? I couldn't answer right away. I knew if I did, it would just be the "right answer". What was my heart speaking, not my mind?

I have discovered to really understand the power of His resurrection it often means entering into His suffering. In His suffering you find Him as the overcomer in you.....conquering life and death.

I loved what you wrote.


2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Beautiful. I'm going over to read Maggie, too.