Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Good evening!
We can choose our destiny by choosing our words. We can determine who we are and what we will be by words. We can agree with what God says about us.
it is our choice. We can accept the lies, the put downs, the disappointments or we can reframe who we are by focusing our thoughts on what God says about us.
We don’t have to believe the lies of the devil telling us we are nothings, nobodies, defeated, losers, dumb, ignorant, lost, useless ...
We can believe that we are who God says we are. We are created in His image with a purpose and a plan. We are seated in the heavenlies with Jesus and so we are overcomers and victorious.
We can determine what our focus will be. We choose our life by our thoughts, what we say, and what we allow.
Today I decided to focus on being loved, understood, understanding, and disciplined. So far so good..
Tomorrow I can choose other words to define me and live them out.
I am not stuck in being who anyone says I am except God and then I agree.
It was one of those defining moments for me ....
Blessings as you call forth, from inside, who you are. You will be amazed and amazing!

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