Monday, September 2, 2013

So .... what's happening?

Thanks for asking?

HAHAHAHA ... Ok, so you didn't really ask and were tricked into it.

But, I just wanted to share.  We celebrated 40 years of marriage this summer!  That is such a wonderful testimony to the grace and power of God! 

Without HIM, we would just be another one of those statistics and another line of divorce.  Don't get me wrong.  It was not always easy.  In fact, I can't remember it being easy in any sense of the word  But, we determined to be faithful and to make it work.  It was not our strength.  It was not our goodness or wisdom.  We owe our marriage totally and completely on what the Holy Spirit did in us that enabled us to remain married, in love and happy!

Today, I'm thankful for being steadfast, faithful and diligent in my life and marriage.  Thankful for a life shared with my hugsum.

Feeling blessed!

Blessings to you! ~

1 comment:

Pam W Merwin said...

Congratulations - it is all about the good, the bad and the ugly and how we decide to react to it! Lots of giving and unconditional love is involved. I am thinking that if it were not for God and His plan for all of us through Jesus's sacrifice for us and the empowering of His Holy Spirit that there are many relationships that do not endure. So happy for you guys :)