Monday, September 30, 2019

Good afternoon!
I am always amazed at the goodness of God. I shouldn’t be, but His goodness can be overwhelming!
He always knows exactly what I need, when I need it. I may THINK I know what I want and need, then He shows up and suddenly, my need is met!
I often get stuck in a rut. I allow circumstances and situations to determine too much of my life. I can get caught up in all the "what if" scenarios and play out my life on vain imaginations!
Then a friend calls ... brightens my day, gets me back on track, speaks truth ... and then I am back to reality!
I have found more often than not, that what I need is never what I consider or think I need. God has such wonderful plans, blessings, and gifts for each of us. What He gives is always better than anything we could imagine. His plans far exceed whatever I come up with. Plus, it never is expected or like I thought it would be.
Israel’s King came as a baby. Our deliverance came on a cross. We cannot know how God will fulfill His promises to us, but we can be assured that He will and we will be astounded! Astonished! Amazed!!!
So ... rejoice and be glad when things don’t look like you expect because God is working!!!
Blessings as you praise and receive the goodness of God in the Land of the Living!
Good morning!
We don’t always understand things. The whys, the where’s, the when’s, the whos, the how’s .... we just don’t know!
For goodness sakes, I don’t understand ME! I look in the mirror and wonder what happened? Who is that old lady? Where did my youth go? When am I going to learn ...? Why did I do that? How am I going to do this?
Then, I realize that life is never an answer, but always questions, growth, learning, accepting, believing...
I don’t have to know all the answers. I just have to know who to ask! Jesus IS the Answer!
I can only have perfect peace when my mind is set and focused on Jesus! I don’t have to know anything but Him and He has all the answers. I can trust in Him!
In the middle of chaos, confusion, and uncertainty we can trust in and rely on the Word of God, the blessing of God, the Son of God, and the provision of God. He is always with us. His peace, His answers, His wisdom is available .... ASK! SEEK! KNOCK!!!
Blessings as you find what you need!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Good morning!
Late starts mean rushing ... it also not getting sidetracked and dilly dallying around.
It seems the more I have to do, the more I accomplish and the happier I am.
Then there are days that I just shut down and must have nothing to do. I am also happy doing that.
This season of my life that I imagined being slow, quiet, sitting turns out to be quite different! I seem to be busier now than ever ... well, since the days all my kids were home playing ball and all their activities.
It is true ... we need someone to love, something to do, something to hope for. When we have these things going on, life is satisfying.
But, the real meaning comes from serving God. Doing His will. Fulfilling our calling, doing what we love and enjoy is a gift of life from our Father.
That’s my prayer for you. May you know the hope of your calling and walk worthy of it. May you continue to live every day of your life. May you find satisfying joy in whatever you do!
Blessings as we live in fullness!!!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Good morning!
It is early ... I've been up for over 2 hours already ...
You know God never sleeps! He is always up and ready to talk. He is wanting time with us. He has so much to share and teach.
Just wanted to encourage you to listen to Someone who loves you more than you could ever imagine. ❤️ (No matter when or what you are doing, He is waiting for you!)
Blessings on your ears that HEAR!
Good morning!
I am so thankful for a new day, a new beginning, fresh!!!
Some days you just blow it! You just mess up! You just barely show up! You haven’t done your work! You can’t seem to focus and get it done! Your hair is a mess ... your makeup is running ... and your outfit looks dumpy!
You try. You think you are doing well. You give it what you have.
Some days it is perfect. Some days it’s "okay". Some days it flies back into your face. Some days everything you say is awesome and heard and received with gladness. Some days your words come out all wrong and fall on deaf ears causing misunderstandings and pain.
What happened? What is the difference? Why?
The good thing is that mercy from God is new every morning. He is steadfast in His love. His Word is truth, light, health, and wisdom. We can rest in Him. His peace is there for us to receive.
He can take my imperfections and flaws and heal me. Where I am weak, He is strong. Where I am broken, He restores me. He is the only one who fully and truly understands and then He works in me to become who He created me to be. He enables me to be willing to do His will. He heals the broken ... broken hearted, broken spirit, broken body ... He is the healer!
So even if you have done it wrong your whole life, God can redeem it. He can use you in your imperfections, flaws, and mistakes. He won’t leave you there, but will work in you to do His good pleasure. You are not alone. You are not forgotten. You are not too bad.
Rejoice! And as Paul says in Ephesians, again I say REJOICE!!! He (Jesus) is able to fix it ... whatever it is, He is able!
Blessings as you rejoice in the God of your salvation, healing, fixing, restoring, whatever the need ... receive it and rejoice!

Friday, September 27, 2019

Good afternoon!
Some days it’s a little harder to get it together! .... obviously!

Some days those bring so much pain because the answers are not there.
Silence can break a heart.
Then there are times when you give all you’ve got, do all you can do, love with your whole heart and it is received.
I’m thankful for the love of Jesus that cleanses, heals, restores, reconciles, redeems. His grace is sufficient. His mercy abounds.
In the celebrations of life, we rejoice. We cling to the good. In times of trouble we run to the High Tower. In the struggles, battles, wars, we know that in all things we have Jesus. Every thing else is temporary.
I’m thankful today for all God has given me. I cherish His gifts. I walk in His promise! Everything will be all right!!!
Blessings on your life, the good, the bad, and the ugly! Ha! God’s love never fails!

On the horizon are good things coming!
Oh, we may see some storm clouds, but they are temporary and will pass.
Storms, trials, problems all pass ... there is an end date. We may not know that date, but it is there.
So, forgive, rejoice, give thanks ... relax!
In due time a new day is coming. We can trust and believe that everything will be all right! (Not in our time or our way for sure!)
Our job is to pray, stand firm, trust, remain faithful and we will see the salvation and deliverance of our God!
Blessings as you continue through. Victory really is just around the corner!
Good morning!
Lately I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and soul searching. I have also been trying to reconcile past, present, and future. I can’t.
Most things in my past are absolutely wonderful and I’m so thankful that they happened. They changed me. But I can’t go back.
There are other things in my past I’d like to forget and wish never happened. They changed me. But I can’t go back.
No matter what ... I am who I am today because of my past. I may not be able to change what happened, but I can accept that it did and accept my part in it. I can be thankful and rejoice. I can be thankful I made it through. I can be thankful I’m not there now.
I cannot change the past. I can change my perspective of the past. I can change how I feel about the past. I can move on to the future!
I can be thankful for where I am now. If I don’t like it, I can change it. It is now. I am here. My future depends on my choices now. I can make my future brighter by decisions today to be better, do better, make better choices. I can choose to love, forgive, work, rest, study, be kind, be happy, be who God created me to be.
You can, too!
Blessings today! You made it this far, so rejoice and be glad!