Monday, September 30, 2019

Good morning!
We don’t always understand things. The whys, the where’s, the when’s, the whos, the how’s .... we just don’t know!
For goodness sakes, I don’t understand ME! I look in the mirror and wonder what happened? Who is that old lady? Where did my youth go? When am I going to learn ...? Why did I do that? How am I going to do this?
Then, I realize that life is never an answer, but always questions, growth, learning, accepting, believing...
I don’t have to know all the answers. I just have to know who to ask! Jesus IS the Answer!
I can only have perfect peace when my mind is set and focused on Jesus! I don’t have to know anything but Him and He has all the answers. I can trust in Him!
In the middle of chaos, confusion, and uncertainty we can trust in and rely on the Word of God, the blessing of God, the Son of God, and the provision of God. He is always with us. His peace, His answers, His wisdom is available .... ASK! SEEK! KNOCK!!!
Blessings as you find what you need!

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