Saturday, September 28, 2019

Good morning!
I am so thankful for a new day, a new beginning, fresh!!!
Some days you just blow it! You just mess up! You just barely show up! You haven’t done your work! You can’t seem to focus and get it done! Your hair is a mess ... your makeup is running ... and your outfit looks dumpy!
You try. You think you are doing well. You give it what you have.
Some days it is perfect. Some days it’s "okay". Some days it flies back into your face. Some days everything you say is awesome and heard and received with gladness. Some days your words come out all wrong and fall on deaf ears causing misunderstandings and pain.
What happened? What is the difference? Why?
The good thing is that mercy from God is new every morning. He is steadfast in His love. His Word is truth, light, health, and wisdom. We can rest in Him. His peace is there for us to receive.
He can take my imperfections and flaws and heal me. Where I am weak, He is strong. Where I am broken, He restores me. He is the only one who fully and truly understands and then He works in me to become who He created me to be. He enables me to be willing to do His will. He heals the broken ... broken hearted, broken spirit, broken body ... He is the healer!
So even if you have done it wrong your whole life, God can redeem it. He can use you in your imperfections, flaws, and mistakes. He won’t leave you there, but will work in you to do His good pleasure. You are not alone. You are not forgotten. You are not too bad.
Rejoice! And as Paul says in Ephesians, again I say REJOICE!!! He (Jesus) is able to fix it ... whatever it is, He is able!
Blessings as you rejoice in the God of your salvation, healing, fixing, restoring, whatever the need ... receive it and rejoice!

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